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Extended Intelligences

WEEK || 29/11 - 09/12

In this two weeks, we had a seminar called “Extended Intelligences” led by Ramón Sangüesa, Lucas Peña and Taller Estampa. The objective of this seminar was to learn the basic concepts of AI and how it works. Also, learn through different tools the technology behind these complex machines.

During this sessions, we have been arguing about what intelligence is and how that has been transferred in the current machines. Proposing ethical questions such as, could a machine make decisions for us? What would happen if they did? could they take control of our lives? Also, they gave us information of how Artificial Intelligence works and the main parts that make it up: dataset, neural network and training.

There exist different neural networks for many different functions. In this few weeks working with IA, we have been texting with Google Colab, a free cloud service that facilitates the research of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence without having a neural network on your own computer.

Google Colab

Thanks to this tool we have been able to work with some neural networks based on image classification, object recognition, motion detector and others.

As an example, we used an AI to recognize different objects and for detect movements.

Extended Intelligence de June Bascaran Bilbao

These two sessions have allowed me to learn about fields I’ve never explored before. It is interesting to know more about this type of technologies that today are so present in our day to day. Learning about the basics of this complex field opens up different opportunities for me to work on my next projects. Perhaps using AI, art and design.

I would have liked to explore more with Google Colab and worked with more neural networks.

Last update: June 20, 2023